Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Weekend

I'm pretty excited about this next upcoming weekend because there is a lot going on! I'm the maid of honor in my cousin's wedding in January and we are having her bridal shower in Sylvania this weekend! I'm excited to see all of my family and catch up with people I haven't seen in awhile.  My best friend is also going to be there and I haven't seen her in quite some time!! There will be delicious food and fun games to play and I think it is just going to be a really exciting day for my cousin! Then on Sunday we are going to have my families Thanksgiving.  It's a little early this year even for us but my cousin has recently relocated to Alabama for a job and he and his new fiancĂ© will be home this weekend! I haven't seen them since June for our family vacation and I'm beyond excited! This weekend is just what I need.  Things have been getting rather stressful here in the magical land of Ada and being surrounded by so much family for two whole days is just the cure to get me refreshed and thinking straight come Monday morning.  I hope that everyone else has something exciting planned for their weekend and has a great time doing whatever it is that they enjoy!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Don't be Creepy

In an article I read on they talked about marketers using social media to their advantage without being a social media stalker. I really think there is a fine line between the two these days and it gets more blurry everyday.  The article offers some good advice for marketers in the present time.  It says to be helpful but not pushy.  This is great advice.  When I walk in to a store and the sales clerk instantly runs up to me and wants to follow me through the store and basically shop with me I get super annoyed and want to leave as quickly as possible.  But on the other hand, when no one acknowledges my existence I get almost as annoyed as if they were stalking me through the store.  I feel the same way with my social media.  I understand that you have a job to do and that job is to get your product out there in to the market for me to see. But if you proceed to shove the product down my throat I can guarantee that I will become uninterested just as quickly as I became interested.  The list of advice is very helpful for marketers but this one was the one that struck me the most.  It is just a very thin line for me on whether I am impressed by the way you are presenting your product. And this is a good thing for marketers to know. If you anger your customers who will buy your product?