Monday, September 26, 2011

Crisis Communication

In chapter 7 of Real-Time Marketing the author talks about Twitter as a crisis communication tool.  This specific part of the chapter explains how using Twitter can help the media, bloggers and news reporters find out more information on a crisis.  The book says that if you find yourself in surprise situation such as a crisis you Tweet the information as well as pictures, video and any information that you can provide.  As I mentioned in another blog hashtags are also important.  If you hashtag a certain saying the media can access your information to learn more about the crisis that has taken place from a firsthand source.  Another way to get your information out is to tag a certain media in your tweet so that your information goes right to the source that will be covering the event.  I think that Twitter is really an up and coming social media.  It is very convenient and straight to the point with all of its information.  It will be a great resource for crisis communication in the future.

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