Thursday, October 20, 2011


Everyone is very excited about Halloween quickly approaching and I'm excited about it as well but what I really can't wait for is Thanksgiving! This Thanksgiving my roommates and I have decided to host a Thanksgiving dinner for all of our families.  It will be the first time that any of us have ever cooked a whole Thanksgiving dinner on our own.  We have all taken little responsibilites with the meal here and there with our own families but this year we are on our own.  We are combining everyone's traditions as well.  Some people have noodles at their dinner and different types of deserts than the rest of us so we are planning to combine it all.  It is going to be a very large dinner. With 6 of us currently living in the house that includes a lot of family members/boyfriends.  Our rough estimate as of right now is that there will be 24 people attending.  I have no idea where they are all going to sit and absolutely no idea how we are going to prepare enough food for that many people but I know at the end of the night we will be happy that we did it and gave back to our families and it will definitely be something that we will bond over.  I'm also looking forward to our families getting to know each other better.  Over the past 4 years they have met mostly on move in day passing in the halls and whatever they here about one another from the roommates.  But after 4 years of living with these amazing people we feel like family and want to show our parents just how strong of a family we are especially since this will be our last year all together.    So as much as I'm excited for Halloween you can see why Thanksgiving is going to be one to remember this year :)

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