Sunday, September 25, 2011

New Facebook

Facebook is going through a lot of changes recently, but the biggest change will be arriving late this week. Facebook is changing to a timeline like format.  People that I have talked to that have tried it out are comparing it to Tumblr.  Your Facebook profile will go back to the day you were born and include everyday from birth to the present day.  Users will be able to go back to any day in the history of their life and update a status or an activity that they were doing on that day.  I think that the new changes to Facebook will be interesting for people to get used to.  I know that most people are not going to like it at first and there will be a lot of complaining for at least the first couple weeks.  But I think that if people just give it a chance and learn how to use the new changes to their advantage it might be a positive change.  Don't get me wrong, I hate change just as much as the next social media user.  I just get used to the format of something and suddenly its different again.  But I think this is what makes social media great.  It is always evolving and changing for the better to give it's users things they may have never even known they wanted! Good luck with the new Facebook!

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