Monday, September 19, 2011

Bloggers are people too.

I recently read an article that talked about PR companies being afraid of reaching out to the help of bloggers.  But the article had an interesting take on the situation that I agree on.  They said that most companies think that it is scary to reach out to bloggers because you don't know how they are going to react and they could shed a negative light on your company.  But really the blogger is just going on with their life and would love to help the company out but the company needs to ask.  The blogger also wants to know that the company likes their writing and style.  They are impressed when you follow and are interested in their blog.  The truth is the blogger probably receives many invitations to write for companies all the time but when approaching them do a little research before just diving in.  Read and follow their blog so when you do finally decide to ask for their help you will both be on the same page and rooting for each other.  It could be a win win situation for the blogger and the company.  And since blogging is the next best thing, get on it and find your company a blogger!

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