Thursday, October 27, 2011


While I have been at ONU for 4 years now I have never had the priveldge of handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters.  Living in a dorm or on campus apartment doesn't really allow much opportunity for this.  Freshman year the trick-or-treaters walked through our dorm but I wasn't there that night and somehow I just don't think it would have had the same feel.  So you can imagine my excitement this year when I realized that living in a house on Main Street is actually the perfect set up for handing out candy.  My roommates and I got so busy this week that we kind of let it slip our minds as to what day the trick-or-treaters would be arriving. But I was sitting up in my room tonight and I saw children walking down the street through my window! I ran and told one of my roommates and we had to quickly run to the store because we didn't have any candy to pass out. (A college house without candy? That's just wrong) We missed maybe the first half hour of trick-or-treat but caught the last hour.  It was so fun to sit out on the porch with my roommates and see all of the kids dressed up.  At times I felt old because kids would come up to the porch dressed as something I had never even heard of and act like it was crazy not to know! I need to brush up on my cartoons apparently.  Overall it was a great night and I'm glad we didn't miss it!

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